Remember that art piece that you like but you don't know its meaning?
Remember that painting that gets you all confused?
Remember those painted figures you look at without knowing which comes first?
duARTe is all of those! He himself is an art piece, that breaks down and puts himself back together again in an expressive, imaginative fashion without ever speaking a word. He is mute but he speaks with his body; with his geometric shapes. He looks, analyses, explores and feels the art he can find in what he calls “his museum”. With him stands Mr. Óscar that explains all the art pieces and experiences an adventure inside each one. Want to meet him? He is already waiting for you.
Production | Animation: Cacto Animation Studios
Broadcast: RTP 2 - ZigZag
We live, feel, teach and learn with art. These stimuli should be incentivized from an early age. This is an educational series that aims to not only entertain but also to explain Art to children showcasing the most important art pieces and authors and styles of every epoch. Art is for everyone and all should have access to it.